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프로필 이미지profile_imageLenxian

Break toxicity in you, before searching for it in others

A toxic person in a simple definition is a person whose hard to deal with, who brings suffer, negativity and drains your energy. While, dealing with a toxic person, the harm caused may ‏be etheir a physical harm or a metal harm or an emotional one. Regardless of what toxicity in others means, how to spot it and how to deal with it, I am more concered with toxicity beyond our selves and toward our selves. How often had you put yourself down to please other? How often had you compared yourself to another person just to feel jealous and superior? Have you recognized your self-sabotaging behavoir? Or, are you more concered with what others are posting on their social media!? Remeber darling, that to have the ability to spot toxicity in others, you need to deal with what is within you first. Proud of you; just for being who you are!

좋아요 9댓글 3
  • 프로필 이미지profile_imageFoxiii_62


  • 프로필 이미지profile_imageNeomi

    Ok I'm toxic to myself, I'll stop self sabotaging I promise 😭🤚🏻

  • 프로필 이미지profile_imageLinah

    It's a no to comparison because l focus on myself only because am the main priority.learning about myself and what makes me happy will be my only focus because am my own first priority:)