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프로필 이미지profile_image Jeon_jiwoo 🩷

Ace Your Grades : 7 Easy Tips For Straight A Success!!!

🧊Stay Organized - The key to Academic Success is staying organized. Invest in cute planner or use digital planner tools to keep track of your assignments/deadlines/study schedule. Color code your subjects for a fun & organize look. 🧊Create a Study Space - Set up a study space that inspires you. Decorate it with motivational quotes, fairy lights and your stationaries. Make it a place where you feel comfortable & focused. 🧊Take Effective Notes - During lectures or while studying, Take neat & concise notes. You can use highlighters, sticky notes and colorful pens to make your notes visually Appealing & Easy to understand. 🧊Use Study Apps - There are tones of study apps out there to help you. Apps like Forest, Quizlet & Google Keeps can help you with making flashcards, time management organizing your thoughts. [I recommend using the "Time balance" app, it's a really good app for tracking your study time] 🧊Practice Time Management - Develop a study schedule that works for you, Break down your study sessions into Manageable chunks & take breaks in between to avoid burnout. Use a timer to stay on track. 🧊Stay Healthy - A healthy body equals a healthy mind. Eat nutritious meals, stay hydrated & get enough sleep to keep your brain sharp & focused. Incorporate fun and healthy snacks during your study breaks. 🧊Seek help when needed - Don't hesitate to ask for help when you're struggling, whether it's from your Teachers, classmates or online resources. There's always someone willing to lend a hand & there you have it! 🪻 Remember! ✨It's not about being Perfect but putting in your best effort & staying motivated✨ Hope you found these tips helpful, thank you so much for reading! Luv ya 🩷

좋아요 38댓글 1
  • 프로필 이미지profile_image𝐒𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐫𝐚

    I always stay motivated but lazy to study 💦

  • 프로필 이미지profile_image Jeon_jiwoo 🩷

    Sameeeeeeeeeee 🙃🥲

  • 프로필 이미지profile_image✩𝐆𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐱𝐲☆
