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프로필 이미지profile_imagejoscafe1260

The strength of weakness

The point when you are at your most vulnerable is when you are strong. Cause then you stop thinking that you are weak. So you pay less attention to vigilance and fortifications all to your detriment. For the enemy attacks when your guard is down. So then, this is a call to be content in your weakness. Because you will never let the guard down if you think yourself weak and therefore will keep on building and advancing your combat strategies with a limitless state of mind. Just as Paul said in the book of Corinthians that when he is weak then he is strong because the spirit of the Lord is made strong in weakness. The book of Hebrews also says that we should be happy of our troubles because troubles brings endurance and endurance brings God's approval which therefore gives hope. Both in this life and the next. If you see the world from this lens you will be grateful of pain. For it's when we are in pain or any other feeling of lowness that we meditate with real life. Pain is a gift. Use it as a launching fuel and you will reach the highest heights. But even then, don't stop thinking that you are weak. For even 'the strong ' need help. And remember, you are boss over the feelings of lowness so don't let it rule you but observe them without owning them. For naturally, they do not belong with you. That's why they say, when you realize you are in a hole, the first thing you do is to stop digging. Or rather the only way is up if you ever hit bottom. God bless you❤️

좋아요 11댓글 4
  • 프로필 이미지profile_image💜💜Starlight💜💜

    Beautiful & lovely post dear, & Actually this month I got dwell in things I've faced & get the anxiety, panic attacks, almost touch last stage of depression, got nightmares & feel like crying for everything happen with me but currently as my motto I've overcome that phase & kinda got my energy back. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜🤗🤗🤗👑👑

  • 프로필 이미지profile_imagejoscafe1260

    Am glad you did sis. Don't ever give up cause you got this. Don't ever let those negative energies drag you down and make sure to cut off all sources of negativity that weighs you down or triggers your stress even if it's someone close so that you can make room to interact with positive things and grow stronger. And above all, i would advice you to really read the bible and 90 percent of your pain will dissapear. It will give you peace and stability like you've never seen before. Dont even feel guilty or heed to any negative thought against you reading the bible for God will meet you exactly where you are and start to walk with you while mending every brokem peace inside of you.

  • 프로필 이미지profile_image💜💜Starlight💜💜

    Thank you so much dear💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜🤗🤗🤗

  • 프로필 이미지profile_imagejoscafe1260


  • 프로필 이미지profile_imageLuve Buouy

    What to do when one hits the rock bottom?

  • 프로필 이미지profile_imagejoscafe1260

    The only way is up. No giving up no excuses. Just one step after the other. Don't even own that 'feeling' that you're at the rock bottom. Accept the situation and move.

  • 프로필 이미지profile_image💜💜Starlight💜💜
